1 lb. hickory smoked bacon
Waverly or Club crackers
Shredded cheese--you can use any type even shaker Parmesan--my favorite is Monterrey Jack for this recipe.
Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Line a 9x13 baking pan with foil. Place cooking racks on top (cake racks work the best. Cut bacon strips in half. Put a small bunch of cheese on top of each cracker and then take a half slice of bacon and wrap around the cracker. Wrap so the ends are on the bottom. Place on rack. Bake for 1 1/2 -2 hours or until bacon is done. By putting the crackers on the baking rack, some of the grease will drip down and help cut down on the fat. I tried this with turkey bacon and it just wasn't up to par. You can bake these at 350 degrees for 45 minutes if you are in a hurry but you really have to watch to make sure they don't burn. I have also done this with a pretzel cracker before and it is very good.