Well, school has started back and the crock pot is always on the counter, so I can have dinner ready when I get in from work. Here is one that I just made last week. It was so good, I think we may have it this week again. It makes a lot and the leftovers are great for lunch the next day.
8 chicken thighs with skin and bones
1 12oz container chopped seasonings (onions, bell pepper mix)
1/2 cup water or chicken broth
1 can sliced mushrooms, drained
1 T. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. seasoned salt
2 T. Worcestershire sauce
1 jar Marinara sauce
1 bag (32 oz) frozen six cheese tortellini (I used Schwans brand)
Place first 8 ingredients in crock pot and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Chicken will shred apart with a fork when done. Remove bones and any remaining large pieces of skin. Stir in Marinara sauce and tortellini. Cook on medium for 35 minutes. Enjoy. Top each serving with a sprinkle of Parmesan or Mozerrella cheese.Wonderful comfort food. Great with garlic bread and a side salad.